Pauline was a recent Senior High School graduate aiming her sights on studying at an international school in Singapore.
—— Introduce yourself to the Zuitt Community
Hello, Zuitt community! My name is Pauline. I’m 19 years old and currently a university student. I’m part of Zuitt’s full-time batch and I’m thrilled to be part of this community and share my journey with all of you.
I decided to enroll in Zuitt because I wanted to do something more productive with my time while I was on summer break. I wanted to study web development because I wanted to be able to express my creative skills and bring my creativity to life through web development.
—— Why did you study coding?
I recommend studying in a Coding Bootcamp. Businesses need to have an online presence so I don’t think it’s ever too early to start learning about web development. I think that is very good for our age (especially during this period when everything is online). If Senior High School graduates have the free time to study in a Coding Bootcamp, I really think it would be advantageous, especially before going to college, as it can help set expectations.

The best thing about Zuitt for me is actually the collaborative environment that they built. I really enjoy my time with my classmates or my batchmates on Discord. There are moments when we would send errors in the early morning and try to resolve one another’s errors. The support we had for each other was very heartwarming. From the start of the capstones, we already joke around to one another about how we would all unite and have sleepless nights for our capstones. Right after the capstone presentations, my classmates would all spam the applause emoji and say a bunch of cheers and praises to one another. I really appreciate all those little moments because even though there were times when it was hard, when we couldn’t finish our capstones, or when we encountered a lot of errors, everyone was very willing to help and open up with each other. My classmates were not selfish. The ones who did really well with their capstones were still willing to help their fellow bootcampers. The sense of community made it very enjoyable and fulfilling.
Another thing that I liked about Zuitt is their unwavering commitment to students’ success. As a student right now, I’m actually not looking for a job yet but my Career Advisor had actually told me that if I were ready to look for a web development job, they would still be able to help me. As a student, I really appreciate that because it lessens the pressure I have to urgently look for a job. It helped me remember that I still have space and flexibility, and I’m just in time to take my own path.
Coding Bootcamp Experience as a Student
—— Coding Bootcamp Experience as a Student
My overall experience with the Developer Career Program was very rewarding.
I struggled with the front end a bit. To be honest, I’m not a creative person, that’s why all the designs need to be done from scratch. The struggle was mostly during our time in capstone where we had to do our personal portfolios. I needed to look for a lot of inspirational photos to have an idea of what I wanted. But the whole front end was wrapped up nicely and I was able to see the works of my fellow bootcampers as well.
I liked the back end the most because it was more logic-based. I really enjoyed the whole process of the back end. I would say that the one that I found the easiest was not needing to think about my work visually – in a creative sense like the margins and paddings. I really enjoyed it.
As for the Full Stack, it was shorter compared to the Frontend and Backend. This part of the program managed to tie the entire thing together. I struggled a bit with the Full Stack because of the pace that we went through. There were a lot of new terms and a lot of new things to do, but the opportunity to work on hands-on projects solidified my understanding of the whole course.

—— Advice to the future bootcampers of Zuitt and Students alike
To Zuitt’s future bootcampers, or those that are like me who want to try coding, all I can say is that it’s very worth it. So firstly, to make it worth it, you have to embrace the journey with a positive attitude and with an open mind. To be honest, for my full-time schedule (8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.), it can get very tiresome at times, but I believe in the saying ‘Nothing worth it comes easy’, and as long as you push through it, you can definitely make it. Don’t be afraid to seek help. Zuitt’s staff are very supportive., Their instructors are very patient, while your fellow bootcampers are there to help you along the way. Also, stay curious all the time and go into the bootcamp with an open mind. You will definitely come out of the bootcamp ready to use that knowledge in life.
If you have a similar experience to share with our boot campers, drop us a message at