You don’t need to be smart to learn coding: Bryan’s Zuitt Experience

—— Introduce yourself to the Zuitt Community.

Hello guys! My name is Bryan, a former student in Zuitt from Batch 282. I was a former Civil Servant and a Banker. The reason why I wanted to change my career to tech was because it’s cool. It’s so cool to code and work from home. I want to be able to work remotely while traveling. The salary is also high, especially within the US. There’s also so many opportunities. 

—— Why did you study web dev? 

First of all, there are so many opportunities in the US. Since the world is evolving and becoming more and more high-tech, there are so many things that are still developing and that would need the skills that I learned from Zuitt. 

One more reason I have is for the goal of earning a higher salary. The possibility of earning a bigger salary in the Tech industry is higher compared to other corporate industries like banking. 

Another reason I have is for the possibility of working remotely.  This benefits people who want to focus on their families. It’s so important for a person to be able to be at work and be at home to help out and be there for your family. With remote work, you will be able to leave your work room and be with your immediate family members, your partner, and your kids easily. Commuting can be so expensive and be such a hassle. It’s such a big difference to be able to work at home if you are in the Tech industry compared to other industries. 

—— How did you learn about Zuitt? 

I actually found out about Zuitt by coincidence. Initially, we were looking for a bootcamp or a coding program based in the US. While searching, I found that they were all so expensive, ranging from as low as 10,000+ USD. If you were to convert that into Philippine peso, compared to the bootcamp prices in the Philippines, there is such a big difference. During that time, while my wife was browsing Facebook, she happened to see a post from one of her friends who joined Zuitt. After that, through our research, we tried to check Zuitt’s credibility, reputation, and some online reviews for legitimacy.  Upon checking, we figured that Zuitt is genuine and also affordable. That’s when we decided to book a consultation and enroll in Zuitt.

Before, when I looked at the code, I could never understand what it all meant. But now, I think ‘oh, so this is how to do it’. It just came down to practice. Before, I was so slow to code, but with practice I was able to build up my confidence slowly. It’ll just eventually become muscle memory to you. Actually, in coding, you don’t need that much talent. What you need is practice and studying. You don’t need to be smart; you need to work hard and have patience. 

How was learning in a coding program compared to self-studying?

It’s way more enjoyable. Compared to self-paced learning or self-studying, whenever you have questions, concerns, or topics that you don’t understand, you would go to google to ask questions and get confusing answers. You would have to spend so much time and effort just trying to figure out the answer to that one question. In a program where there are instructors, they’re so responsive. One of the things I really liked about Zuitt is that there really is no leaving behind. We don’t move forward if there’s one thing you really don’t understand, even if it’s a simple concern. Sometimes it came to the point that I got a bit embarrassed, that I wasn’t able to understand something so simple. The good thing about Zuitt and their instructors is that they are so patient and understanding. Their way of teaching is beginner friendly, so you’ll never find yourself hesitating when asking questions. The instructors, themselves, encourage you to ask questions, and they constantly ask and confirm with us if we understood the topic. My instructor specifically was making sure that we all learned the lesson. They check in with every student since there can be students who are too shy to speak up. 

At first, it was difficult since everything was new. The instructors are such a big factor for us to be able to adapt to the lessons. It’s just funny to think that the stuff I was working on during the first day or first week of the program is something that took me a while to figure out. It is so simple to me now. It goes to show how far I’ve come – although I still have so much to learn.

How was your experience in Zuitt?

The classes are beginner-friendly. Zuitt has amazing instructors who are so knowledgeable and have great attention to detail. The instructors don’t just teach the curriculum, but they also check in on your well-being and if you actually understood the lesson. Zuitt also guides you through the application process by helping you create resumes and equip you with job-hunting. Zuitt really makes sure you’re not left behind. Alongside all those, there are also flexible payment options. It really helps, especially for professionals who want to shift.

What is your message to Zuitt’s future students?

Here in the US, there are a lot of job opportunities, especially in the tech industry. I spent my free time in Zuitt and what came after that, I learned so much more. Topics that were previously difficult for me to comprehend as a beginner, Zuitt was able to teach them to me successfully.  Zuitt will assist you with your resume, teach you how to answer mock interviews and guide you all throughout the job application process. They don’t just guide you; they always check in with you to see your progress and help out when needed. Especially for Filipinos here in the US or Filipinos planning to work abroad, if you’re ever interested in coding, Zuitt will help you. Based on my experience, they will help you a lot. They will teach you so many things that will help you.

I want to thank Zuitt for the wonderful learning experience, not just the stuff I learned but also the techniques I can apply in the future. They gave me the foundation on how to start my career. Our instructors motivate us not only in technical skills but also in motivation. Whenever we get doubts that we want to give up, that we can’t learn anymore, our instructors always tell us that we can do these things, that we do have the potential to learn, and that sometimes all it takes is more patience and hardwork. 

My additional message to future students is don’t be discouraged. If you feel like you’re not progressing in your coding skills or challenges, trust me, just take a break. That’s the answer. Then, when you come back, the answer will be clearer than ever. Sometimes, overworking is the reason why we make mistakes. In coding, sometimes you need to take a step back. During that break, you’ll be able to think more clearly and be able to solve equations. Whenever you make mistakes and create lots of bugs, that’s a good thing because the next time you encounter that error, it’ll be basic to you by then. Keep trying. You would never know how the experience is if you’ve never tried it before. You’ll never know that what you were too scared to try might just be the talent that you’ve always had, so never be scared. Like me, try to keep trying. The important part is you actually tried and that you learned by trying. 

If you are a Zuitt student and you have a similar experience to share, drop us a message at

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