Zuitt JavaScript Game Development Workshop: Developer Starter Kit for MacOS

Terminologies to remember:
CodeStatements that make the application work
Text EditorA program used to write code
TerminalA program used to run system commands
BugRefers to problems in the code that lead to
unexpected behaviors
BrowserAn application that allows access to
HostingThe process of putting a website to the
HTMLStands for HyperText Markup Language.
Used to create the structure of websites
CSSStands for Cascading Style Sheets. Used to
add design to websites
Front End Design*The design of the general look and feel of
websites as well as user experience
Back End Design*The design of the general functionality of a
Full StackThe design of an entire website’s systems
from the look and feel to the functionality

Installation Guide (MacOS)

Installation Instructions


Open a program named Terminal and type the following:

/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL

The terminal should now look like this:

Press ENTER and type your password to continue the installation and wait for the execution
to finish.

To verify the installation, type the following:

brew -v

It should output the following:

Git was also installed along the way. To confirm, type git –version and the output should
be like this:

Google Chrome

Open a program named Terminal and install Google Chrome by executing the following:

brew cask install google-chrome

After the installation, open Google Chrome by typing the following:

open -a “Google Chrome”

Google Chrome should open normally.

Sublime Text 3

Open a program named Terminal and install Sublime Text 3 by executing the following:

brew cask install sublime-text

After the installation, open Sublime Text 3 by typing the following:

open -a “Sublime Text”

Sublime Text 3 should open normally.

This blog post is intended for Zuitt’s JavaScript Game Development Workshop participants. If you’ve stumbled upon this blog post and aren’t a Zuitt student, you can begin your coding journey with Zuitt by clicking this link: