The Batch 5 Day class campers of Tuitt Coding Bootcamp are now done crafting their second capstone projects.
This milestone will validate some newly acquired skill set by the campers using open-source web technologies such as HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL.
This 2nd project combines the actual process of front-end and back-end web development. The students were instructed to create an e-commerce web application. At this stage, it is very critical for them to comply with the minimum requirements, at the very least. Hence, this is also when they learned to work independently and put the concepts and skills they learned to the test. The students had a few struggles as they worked on their projects, but with the assistance of the boot camp mentors, they were able to address some roadblocks they encountered during the development phase.
Minimum Requirements
The minimum requirements and standard were set by the instructors and these became the criteria that the mentors used to grade the campers’ outputs.
Registration and Login with proper authentication
This includes how the developers add first-level of security to their sites, which also affects how they gain and attract subscribers.
Authorization and Admin privileges
These are the features that grant or restrict access to specific users (admin or regular user), which affects how they can navigate through certain locations, sections, or modules of the web application.
CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) for items
These are the features needed to show the necessary functions and capabilities of their web applications. Understanding the concept of how CRUD works for applications is necessary because this is a key indicator of how well the campers mastered the fundamentals of programming.
Admin Page – Update, Delete, and Create
These are CRUD functions that are made available to the admin alone. These will allow the admin to update the details of an item, delete it from the database, and add new items.
User Page – Retrieve, Sort, Add Item to Cart
These are CRUD functions that are made available to the common user (regular user). These will allow the user to view all of the available items, sort them according to categories, and add items to their shopping cart.
Order Confirmation
This feature will allow the user (customer) of the e-commerce web application to validate the items added to the cart. This also gives the user the option to remove the item if needed, change the number of items, and confirm the order.
Optional JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX
This option will enable the developer (camper) to explore even further for functionalities they would consider using for their project.
This is where the developer (camper) is given room to further explore the different web technologies they can use to improve the different functionalities they want to include on their website.
Progress is not achieved by luck or accident, but by working on yourself daily.
— Epictetus
Project Listing
Here are the amazing (e-commerce) web applications created by the Batch 5 day class campers. These projects were borne out of their great passion, love, and dedication to coding.

Red Cloud Vaping








SOAP (Spread Organic Agriculture Philippines)



Health Brew

Dog Care




Mad Muscle Supplement

Neon Searchlight






PC Robo


House of Electronics

L’Empereur: Luggage and Bags

Amat Victoria Curam (Victory Loves Preparation)
— From the movie “The Mechanic”
One Capstone Project More
Now, there’s only one more major project to accomplish before these campers can complete the training that Tuitt designed for them. Their respective web developer portfolios were deployed and now displays their first two capstone projects. The Philippine I.T. Industry could definitely welcome these budding web developers. In a span of two months, they have become self-sufficient and are definitely on their way to becoming Junior Web Developers.
Good job, Batch 5 Day Class!