—— Introduce yourself to the Zuitt Community.
Hi there, Zuitt community! I’m Reynald Ocumen, but you can call me Rey. I’m a former Zuitt student. I’m a career shifter who graduated in 2016 studying Business Administration majoring in Financial Management.
—— Why did you decide to study web development?
I studied web development because when the pandemic started in 2020, I needed another source of income. I did a lot of research and saw that one of the good sources of income was through doing web development. This was especially true during the pandemic, as web development can be done remotely. As soon as I studied coding, it actually caught my interest, specifically when it came to the logic portion of coding. I didn’t know that I really liked logic back then. I just discovered that fact about me when I started learning it. I did self-studying prior to joining Zuitt’s Tech Career Program. It was after a year when I finally decided to look for another way to learn because I felt lost right after learning all the basics.
If I were to compare self-studying to tech programs, in self-study, you have a lot of ‘enemies’ to face. These ‘enemies’ that I had to face are called laziness and procrastination. It’s also the mentality of thinking “I’ll work on this later” and the like. Unlike when you’re in a program, there’s a clear path laid out for you… In a program, there is someone who will be guiding you on what the next lessons will be. You’ll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel better when you decide to go into a tech program to learn coding.

—— Why did you choose Zuitt?
I tried applying to different programs and bootcamps before. I had 3 options to choose from and I chose Zuitt. I chose Zuitt because I saw more of Zuitt’s care towards their students. I saw that they would not only focus on the teaching aspect of the program, but also, Zuitt will guide you all throughout your career path. Additionally, the instructors are all very skilled.
—— How did joining a coding program helped you and your goals?
We have a family business which focuses on “Buy and Sell” of various industrial products. After graduating from the program, I now have more ideas on how to market my family business’ products. Now, I can build a web application that focuses on e-commerce.
Coding helped me and our business a lot because I’ll finally be able to market the business digitally. And hopefully, my next main focus is to become one of the best developers as well. I really love what I’m doing right now. I love code. I love teaching others too–giving them the inspiration to study more about coding and show them how coding can benefit them financially since employers are very generous within the tech industry.
—— What is your message to Zuitt’s future students?
To those who have a business whose main focus is to sell like mine, coding will help you a lot because it can help you widen your market, especially during these times where digital spaces are now our main platform. Coding will help, specifically on search engine optimization. If you focus on that, your products will get more recognition on the internet.
When it comes to Zuitt’s teaching–both hard skills and soft skills, I can say that Zuitt’s Tech Career Program is clear and thorough, this is also especially true when it comes to their instructors. My instructor is one of the best who taught us the basics like HTML, CSS, Javascript, and also the back-end technologies such as Node.js, Express.js, and even databases, all the way to the full stack.
My instructor simplified the approach in teaching us how to code. My batch and I all enjoyed our experience training with Zuitt. My advice to those who are still doubting or having second thoughts before joining the program is to assess themselves. Do a lot of research. This is mostly important to career shifters like me. It takes a lot of courage to jump from one career to another. If you’re gonna join Zuitt, you really need to study a lot. It’s not gonna be easy. I can say that learning coding isn’t for everybody but if you’re really interested and you really want to take the leap, Zuitt is one of the best programs here in the Philippines. They will teach you a lot not just about the codes; but also, how to handle problems–making those big problems into smaller ones.

If you are a Zuitt student and you have a similar experience to share, drop us a message at marketing@zuitt.co.