Zuitt’s Batch 31 Day Class students have officially finished their coding bootcamp and are now set to join the IT industry as professionals!
Their commencement exercise was held on July 15, 2019 at the GEMPC building in Tomas Morato, where they celebrated the culmination of 3 amazing months of learning full stack web development.
Opening Remarks

Instructor Sylvan Cahilog started off the graduation with the opening remarks. “Today may mark the end of your bootcamp, but it doesn’t mean that your journey has ended. Once you go out of these doors, a lot of opportunities await you.” He then congratulated the bootcampers for successfully completing the course.
Experience Sharing
After Mr. Cahilog’s opening remarks, he welcomed our guest speaker and former bootcamper, Ben Cavas. He came up to speak and share his experiences with the graduating class. Mr. Cavas worked for 10 years in an oil company here in the Philippines. After this career, it took him quite some time to search for another one. Looking for a different path after that 10-year run was hard, but eventually, he discovered Zuitt.
“My friends who took the bootcamp recommended it to me. It was a huge leap of faith. I didn’t know what to expect. But 6 months passed by, and eventually, I liked coding. After graduation, I immediately applied as an instructor at Zuitt.”
And the rest, as they say, is history.

Mr. Cavas also mentioned that – “Once you step out of this classroom, keep on assessing yourself. There will be a huge gap, especially for career shifters. But, you can bridge that gap. Due diligence lang talaga.”
To wrap up his spiel, he ended it with: ”You will go through moments of self-doubt. Just always practice grit, diligence, resourcefulness, and keep an honest assessment of yourself. These are the reasons behind your transformation from bootcampers to web developers.”
Mr. Cavas’ experience definitely set an example for these aspiring fresh grads, career shifters, and knowledge-seekers who were also trying to make their mark in the industry.
Awarding of Certificates
With Mr. Cavas’ closing words, it was finally time to give recognition to the students for their successful training! Certificates of Completion were given to the graduates by Instructor Cahilog.
The graduates of the Batch 31 Day Class are 10 in total.
Top Academic Performers
Following the handing out of certificates of completion was the awarding of (drum roll, please)… the Top Academic Performers!
Here are the students who were given recognition for their academic excellence:
3rd Top Performer: Kurt M.
2nd Top Performer: Jesrael A.
1st Top Performer: Arielle C.
The class clamored for a speech from 1st Top Performer, Arielle C., and she had this to say – “Thank you, sir Sylvan and classmates. Hopefully, whatever we have learned here, will be used to change our lives, and the lives of others.”

Special Awards
After Arielle’s brief message to the class, it was time for the more amusing part of the ceremony: the Special Awards!
The recipients of these awards were voted by their instructor and classmates. Here are the ones that were given out during the ceremony:
Outstandingly Organized Award – Rizalou D.
Really Responsible Award – Arielle C.
Student Best Able To Teach Others Award – Jerico J.
Most Likely To Establish Own Startup Someday – Margaret F.
Kindness Counts Award – Joule S.
Closing Remarks
After the banter among the class, Instructor Cahilog stepped in again to congratulate the graduates and hand Mr. Cavas his Certificate of Appreciation.

Right after his short statement, it was time to give back. A representative from the class handed Mr. Cahilog a gift as a token of their appreciation for all the learnings he had imparted to them.
For his parting words, Mr. Cahilog stated that, “I am sad. You were the first batch I’ve handled since I started at Zuitt. I’ll never forget your faces. Tatatak kayo. I am honored to teach such brave souls. Yung grit niyo, ang tindi talaga. So, I commend you for that.”