Zuitt is proud to announce that a new set of developers are joining the IT Industry. Our 39th Batch of Night Class students have officially completed their training!

Their graduation ceremony was held last October 30, 2019 at the Caswynn Building in Quezon City, where they spent the last 4 months learning how to code and they will be receiving additional short courses to supplement their training as well.
These bootcampers were the first batch of “Flex Option” students that graduated from Zuitt which meant they finished their web development training in 4 months instead of the usual 6 months when it comes to the night class and they were also given the chance to receive additional coding short courses after they graduate.
For the opening remarks, it was their instructor Ben Cavas who congratulated the 17 bootcampers that were able to complete the training.

Instructor Cavas mentioned how proud he was of all of them and really commended their approach to the training. “You guys were very proactive and I commend you all for your attitude. I truly believe that attitude beats aptitude.”
Instructor Cavas continued, “The attitude you guys showed here in the course, don’t change that. Your attitude will help you out in your career as a developer. All your grit and determination will help you through.”
After the opening remarks, it was time to finally give out the special awards to the graduating batch! These awards are special in the sense that the winners were nominated by their own classmates. The following students emerged victorious:
- Enthusiastic Learner Award: Jarl P.
- Outstandingly Organized Award: Jacqueline C.
- Really Responsible Award: Olive A.
- Awesome Attitude Award: Anton C.
- Student Best Able To Teach Others Award: Nathan C.
- Most Likely To Be Famous Someday Award: Nathan C.
- Most Likely To Establish Their Own Startup Award: Mark M.
- Confident Kid Award: Nathan C.
- Kindness Counts Award: Jobelle P.
- Friendly Neighbour Award: Baby F.
As the graduation went on, it was time for our special industry speaker to speak to the bootcampers, Mr. Peejay Saracho, who is a former instructor at Zuitt Coding Bootcamp.
He first went on to tell the graduates how they have achieved a great feat. “A lot of night class boot campers have it tough and have their attention divided because of other things they need to do on top of learning how to code. I feel your difficulties with the stuff you need to do in your life and being here. But you’re here and I have to congratulate you on your graduation.”

Mr. Saracho would then go on to talk about the importance of attitude and how he’s seen it during his time as an instructor in Zuitt. “ I’ve seen a lot of batches in my time and I’ve met a lot of students who were all talented. The issue is the ones who don’t have or don’t develop the attitude won’t progress well. On the other hand, the ones who have the right attitude and those who like what they’re doing and want to succeed, they do well.”
Finally, Mr. Saracho left the graduating class with these words of wisdom:
- The tech industry changes really fast which is why you need to keep up your passion and drive to learn.
- Programming languages are just like foreign languages. You can learn them but you need continuous practice so you don’t forget.
- Find a mentor. Have someone you look up to in terms of coding so they can help you do better and so you can push yourself to do better as well.

After Mr. Saracho’s insightful talk, it was finally time for the awarding of certificates to the graduating class.
The graduates of the Batch 39 Night Class are 17 in total.
Last but not the least, it was time to give recognition to the students who gave it their all during the 3-month training. Instructor Cavas handed the certificates as the class cheered on their peers.
These are Batch 39 Night Class’ Top Academic Performers:
- 3rd Top Academic Performer: Jobelle P.
- 2nd Top Academic Performer: Anton C.
- 1st Top Academic Performer: Olive A.
To conclude the graduation ceremony, Instructor Cavas took on the stage once again and told the bootcampers to remember one thing:
“Everything you achieved here, no matter if you’re a top performer or not, you all achieved it together because of your grit and camaraderie.”
With that, it was time for Batch 39 to celebrate their graduation with some food, fun, and laughter!