Java SC Package Installation Guide (Linux)

This guide has been tested on Ubuntu-based operating systems.

If the version number installed in your device is lower than the version provided in the screenshots, follow the steps below to install the updated version of the applications.

If an updated version of the above provided applications are already installed in your device, the following instructions will still work with minor differences in the version of the app you’re shown in the output which should have no impact during the course of the bootcamp.


Open a Terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T and execute sudo apt install git -y.

To confirm successful installation, execute git –version to print the current version of installed Git.

Google Chrome

Download and execute the installer.

Wait for the installation to finish and run the google chrome application.

Java OpenJDK 11

Open a Terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T and execute sudo apt update.

Once the package index is updated, install OpenJDK 11 package with the command sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk.

To confirm successful installation of Java OpenJDK 11, execute java –version to print the current version of installed NPM.

Check the installation path with sudo update-alternatives –config java. The default installation path should be /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java. Copy this path to be added in the next step.

Open the /etc/environment file using the command sudo nano /etc/environment. This allows you to edit files using the terminal.

Press the down arrow key on your keyboard and you will notice that the blinking cursor, typically a line or a box will be displayed in the terminal. Add the following line at the end of the file JAVA_HOME=”/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64″.

Execute the command source /etc/environment to apply the changes.Verify that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is correctly set with the command echo $JAVA_HOME. You should see the output /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64.


Open the Software Center and locate the IDEA Community app and click Install found in the upper right corner of the window.


Download the installer from the official download page. Download the version 8.0.28 installer. If the specified version is unavailable, you may choose an installer at least version 8 or higher indicated by the first number provided in the installer.

Open a Terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T and navigate to the Downloads directory/folder using the command cd Downloads after that execute another command ls. you will see the following file as part of the results.

Execute the following command chmod +x This command makes the downloaded installer executable.

Next, enter the following command sudo ./ Input your device’s password when prompted and the installer will now run.

After installation has finished, input the command sudo ln -s /opt/lampp/bin/php /usr/bin/php. This will link the php installation to an environment path variable, enabling access to the php command from your terminal.

Verify installation is working via the command php –version.

You should see the following output:

You can now start XAMPP via the terminal command sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start. Press enter to provide an empty password when it is prompted. You should see the following output:

Open Google Chrome and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/to confirm that the phpMyAdmin web program works properly.

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