On March 29, 2019, Tuitt’s 24th Batch of Day Class bootcampers have finally graduated and are now ready to start the next step of their journey in the IT Industry!
The graduation ceremony was held in the GEMPC building in Tomas Morato. The graduates and instructors present celebrated the culmination of 3 months filled with learning full stack web development at Tuitt.

Opening Remarks
The ceremony started off with Tuitt Instructor Peejay Saracho congratulating the bootcampers on finally reaching their graduation for the opening remarks. “Finally after 3 months, you’re all graduating! There was a lot of tough obstacles, and sleepless nights but I’m proud of you guys. Give yourselves a big round of applause”

Experience Sharing
There to share his experiences with the graduating class was former Tuitt Graduate, Engineer Farhant S. He was originally an engineering graduate and even passed the board exams but even then, it was very difficult to get a job in engineering which is why he decided to enroll in Tuitt.

He started off his experience sharing by enumerating words of advice on what graduates will need to find a job after Tuitt.
- Be confident
- Have the right resume
- Don’t sell yourself short
- Prepare your work samples
- Sit back, relax, and wait for the phone call
And what comes next after landing that job? Engineer Solaiman enumerates on that as well:
- Be hungry, be fast, and be a sponge
- Don’t just settle with what you know
- More work? That’s better. More ways to practice new technology.
- It’s about the whole journey of work from start to end
- Have fun while in the process. If it ain’t fun, it won’t run.
Awarding of Certificates
After the experience sharing from Engineer Farhant, it was time to award the certificates to the graduating class for their successful training! Certificates of Completion were given to the graduates by Instructor Peejay Saracho and Tuitt co-founder Allister Alambra.
The graduates of the Batch 24 Day Class are 15 in total.
Industry Speaker
After the certificates were awarded, it was time for our special guest speaker from the IT Industry to take the stage. Mr. Christian V. is a Senior UX Developer from Zigzag Media and he shared some of his learnings over his years in IT. “When I was starting off as a developer, I realised quickly that you really need a mentor to help you learn. You also have to stay updated because the technology changes really really quickly.”

As he continued recounting his experiences, he finished his talk by leaving the graduating class with these pieces of advice:
- Keep reading
- Stack Overflow is your best friend
- Join the programming industry talks
- Go to programmer meetups
- Be active in the field
Special Awards
Next up in the ceremony were the Miscellaneous awards, where the recipients were voted by their peers. Here are the awards that were given out on this day:
- Most Likely To Establish Their Own Startup Award: Jeane Z.
- Friendly Neighbor Award: Jeffrey N.
- Kindness Counts Award: Gian H.
- Confident Kid Award: Aldrin P.
- Most Likely To Be Famous Someday Award: Aldrin P.
- Student Best Able To Teach Others Award: Sean S.
- Awesome Attitude Award: John S.
- Really Responsible Award: Patricia P.
- Most Charismatic Learner Award: Eric F.
- Outstandingly Organized Award: Jemaima F.
Top Performer Awards
Next it was finally time to go to one of the most anticipated parts of the ceremony – the Top Performer Awards! Here are the most outstanding achievers of Batch 24 Day Class:
- 3rd Top Performer: Ivan S.
- 2nd Top Performer: Jemaima F.
- 1st Top Performer: Patricia P.
Closing Remarks
After all the awards were handed out, Tuitt co-founder Allister Alambra handed the graduates his parting words. Mr. Alambra started off by saying how proud he was of the graduates and how hard they had worked. “The 3 months is not a joke. What you are studying now is actually more advanced than what we were teaching a while ago. Don’t take what you have learned for granted. This is only the 1st step to a more promising future ahead of you.”

Congratulations Again, Batch 24 Day Class!