Zuitt is proud to announce that a new set of developers are joining the IT Industry. Our 39th Batch of Night Class students have officially completed their training!
Zuitt is proud to announce that a new set of developers are joining the IT Industry. Our 39th Batch of Night Class students have officially completed their training!
More web developers are all geared up to join the IT Industry as Zuitt’s 36th Batch of Day Class students have formally finished their bootcamp training!
A memorable day has once again gone down in history as Zuitt’s 29th batch of bootcampers have officially finished their training on September 18, 2019!
On September 13, 2019, Zuitt’s 34th Batch of Night Class bootcampers have finally graduated and are now ready to start the next step in their journey and make their mark in the IT Industry!
A new batch of developers are set to embark on their journey in the IT Industry as Zuitt’s 33rd Batch of Day Class students have successfully finished their bootcamp!
Zuitt is proud to announce that a new set of developers are bound to join the IT Industry as our 32nd Batch of Day Class students have officially completed their training!
Zuitt’s Batch 31 Day Class students have officially finished their coding bootcamp and are now set to join the IT industry as professionals!
On July 10, 2019, the 22nd batch of Zuitt’s (formerly Tuitt’s) Night Class stayed true to these qualities as they went on to march as full stack web developers, after months of hard work.
On June 21, 2019, Zuitt’s 30th batch of bootcampers graduated from the coding bootcamp to start their journey into the IT Industry.